Basic Chest Workout

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Just thought I would let everyone know how I usually do my chest workouts for those who may be struggling to find workouts. For myself, its all about form, without form you may as well not even step into the gym. Don't try and lift the heaviest weights without having correct form - this leads to injury in which I know first hand about. When I first started going to the gym when I was 16, I would go in and throw around the weights, not knowing how to correctly lift.

Basic Chest workouts should comprise of 1 or 2 main exercises with a few other exercises to support it:

Main Exercise 1
Bench Press: 3 sets of 10 reps is a good baseline - See pictures below for form (not me)

  • start off at a low weight and work your way up, make sure your bring the bar directly down towards your chest, no half reps, no throwing the weight up and down, controlled reps means the muscle is full stretched
  • Basic advice is, always have a spotter if you are using a non assisted bench, otherwise just use the Smith Machine which assists in the movement of the bar.

Main Exercise 2
Dumbbell Bench Press - Again 3 sets of 10 reps - Pictures below for form (not me)

    • With this exercise, its all about the stretch you feel, the further the dumbbells go down, the more your muscle stretches, which allows it to grow.
    • The difference between using the bar for bench and the dumbbells is to do with the twitch muscles inside the shoulder for example the rotator cuff. It also targets your triceps as well which is a great accessory muscle.
    • Switching between these two exercises or doing both means that your muscles never get used to the weight therefore you are less likely to plateau.
    • If you feel that it is becoming too easy, then up the weight or the reps, but remember, one at a time to avoid injury.

    Accessory Exercise 1

    Flat Bench Cable Flyes - 3 sets of 10 reps, Pictures below (not me)

    • This is an excellent finishing exercise, it stretches the chest to the max
    • Try this with either the cables or even dumbbells
    • It doesn't have to be heavy weights on this exercise as we're only trying to stretch out the muscle
    • Again if it becomes too easy, up the weight

    Accessory Exercise 2

    Pushups - 3 sets of 10 reps or as many as possible, Pictures below (not me)

    • Yes its one of those simple, everyone knows it exercises but it is one of the best exercises out there
    • If you are beginner on chest exercises, then try this to start off with to build some foundation muscle
    • Make sure you keep your body straight
    • Arms slightly wider than your shoulders, directly down to the floor and back up
    • This could be used as a finishing exercise to really tire out your muscles, you may only get a few but those few will push your muscles to the max

    Stay tuned for other workouts, hope this has helped anyone who is struggling. Remember, keep that form perfect and you will see results!

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