Basic Shoulder Workout

12:11:00 Unknown 0 Comments

This is the second last post in this workout series and this time it is shoulders. This workout consists of 2 main exercises followed by 2 accessory exercises.

Main Exercise 1 - Shoulder Press - 3 Sets of 10 reps - Pictures Below (not me)

This exercise is the key to increasing your strength in your shoulders. Start off with a weight that you are comfortable with and increase it when you feel comfortable to. If you are not comfortable with support the weight on your shoulders, then try using a Smith Machine to do shoulder press which takes off some of the balancing of the weight on your shoulders.

Main Exercise 2 - Arnold Press - 3 Sets of 10 reps - Pictures Below (not me)

This is a good exercise to grow your entire shoulder, since it uses the accessory muscles within your shoulder that help with balance and control. Start off with a low weight with this exercise as it is difficult to get used to the form. Start with your palms facing you and then as you lift, twist your palms away from you, bringing your arms out and up.

Accessory Exercise 1 - Car Drivers - 3 Sets of 10 reps -Pictures Below (not me)

This exercise is a great burnout after the 2 main exercises. Raise the plate and stop at the top and twist the plate to the left and bring it back to the middle and again to the right, then finally lowering the plate. Doing this will grow your Delts and even targets your forearms as well.

Accessory Exercise 2 - Dumbbell Raise- 3 sets of 10 reps- Pictures Below (not me)

This exercise targets your front delts, which is the muscle that is seen most, as shown in the pictures above. Start off with two dumbbells and raise the dumbbell to just above the shoulder, with your arm straight out, keeping your back straight to avoid injury.

These exercises are just a few exercises that directly target the delts, although you could do shrugs for your traps, rear delt raises for your rear delts etc.

Stay tuned for more.



Basic Arm Workout

21:16:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Next post of the workout series, this time it is a basic arm workout. Our arms are broken up into 5 main muscles:

  1. Biceps
  2. Triceps
  3. Deltoids
  4. Flexors
  5. Extensors

The muscles that we are going to cover are the biceps and the triceps due to the fact that throughout each of these workouts, the deltoids, flexors and extensors are partially worked when doing each of the following exercises.

The workout is going to consist of 2 main exercises, 1 focusing on the biceps and 1 on the triceps.  There will then be a number of accessory exercises to really burn those muscles.

Main Exercise 1  Barbell Curl - 3 sets of 10 reps - Pictures below (not me)

Start off with a low weight if you are not used to this exercise so that you get the form correct. Ensure that you do not swing the weight and try to keep your elbows in the same place as you do the exercise to ensure that you are only using your biceps and not any other muscles.

Main Exercise 2

Bent over Triceps Extension - 3 sets of 10 reps - Pictures below (not me)

Start off with a low weight if you are not used to this exercise as it can be hard to perfect your form. You can do this exercise either as shown above or leaning on a bench for support. Make sure you keep your elbow steady as you extend back the way to really target those triceps.

Accessory Exercise 1

Hammer Curls - 3 sets of 10 reps - Pictures below (not me)

This is a great exercise for both your biceps and your forearms. Since you curls with your palms facing you, it uses your forearms as well as your biceps to lift the weight. As shown above, keep your elbow in the one spot and do not swing the weight up. If it is too heavy and you cannot do it properly, then lower the weight until you are used to it.

Accessory Exercise 2

Dips - 3 sets of 10 reps - Pictures below (not me)

This exercise is great for all of your muscles in your arms as well as your chest. You can do this on an assisted machine if you are not used to lifting your own bodyweight. Make sure you only use your arms to move up and down and drop till your elbows are in line with your shoulders, any lower and you risk injury.

With the exercises listed you should see results in a matter of weeks, increasing the amount you can lift and becoming stronger. Stay tuned for more.