Basic Leg Workout

16:42:00 Unknown 1 Comments

Another post in the workout series. This time its all about legs. I know what your thinking, I HATE LEGS. Well everyone does, but it has to be done. The workout below is a great place to start that is going to get you serious growth in your legs. As always with these posts, form is key!

Main Exercise 1

SQUATS!!! 3 sets of 10 reps, pictures below (not me)

This exercise is great for growth as it stretches your leg muscles to the max. For those not used to squats then I recommend the grip above as the weight can be controlled with your bodyweight. For those with a bit of experience then try it with the bar sitting on your traps but make sure your muscles are stretched and warmed up first as you may lose balance. This targets your quadriceps or quads as some may know. start off light to get used to the form and within weeks you'll be seeing a real difference.

Main Exercise 2

Leg Press - 3 sets of 10 reps, pictures below (not me)

This exercise is fantastic as you can control the weight and choose the weight you want. This is the 45 degree leg press. Start with your legs slightly bent and then lower toward your chest or until you reach 45 degrees. The key with this is not to lock your legs, you do not want to hurt yourself! (gif below of what can happen). This again targets your quads along with your hamstrings and calves so an overall leg workout. You should be able to lift relatively heavy as your own bodyweight is not a factor compared to squats which requires you to squat your bodyweight plus the weight itself.
Accessory Exercise 1
Lying leg curls - 3 sets of 10 reps, pictures below (not me)

These 2 accessory exercises are great to isolate and work the separate muscles. This can either be done lying down or on another machine sitting upright. This is perfect to absolutely destroy your legs after your 2 main exercises. Start off light with this as you will probably be in agony already. As you move your main exercises up, move this one up too, but only when you feel comfortable doing so.

Accessory Exercise 2
Leg Extensions - 3 sets of 10 reps, pictures below (not me)

This is the final exercise you should do and by this time your muscles should be on fire! Raise your legs up until they are almost straight and then control your legs back down until your legs are bent again. Start off light with this again as you will struggle with anything too heavy.

This has been a basic leg workout and if you follow this plan, you will feel it in the morning! Stay tuned for more.

This is what you should be like leaving the gym!

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